Grants are offered to ten journalists, artists, academia or civil society activists that will have an opportunity to develop a concept that tackles these topics with the multidisciplinary approach.
Main focus of project proposals should be on exploring far-right symbols, radical groups and extremist ideologies in local communities of the Balkan countries, their connections and cooperation with other similar groups, especially those in Europe and the Middle East, the role of diaspora communities, disinformation efforts and online hubs.
Ten grantees will be selected on the basis of submitted applications. Grantees are expected to produce one project based on the proposal they submitted. Mentorship support will be provided by BIRN.
- A maximum of 10 grants is awarded
- Maximum amount per grant: EUR 2,000.00
- Project duration: 6 months
- Propose a plan for using various platforms, including how to reach targeted audience
- Give a clear overview of their timeline
- Each applicant may submit only one application under this grant scheme.
Application form content
Applications must be submitted in line with the instructions and guidance of this Call. The designated application form must be used.
Application Form should be completed in English language. Any error or major discrepancy related to the Application Form instructions may lead to its rejection.
Clarifications will only be requested when information provided is not sufficient to conduct an objective assessment. The Application Form must be filled out online, all additional documentation can be submitted in
the online format.
The application can be filled out by clicking the link below.
The application must be submitted by 23:59 CET, on December 20, 2021.
In case of additional inquires please contact us at: applications@birnnetwork.org
All received proposals will go through three phases:
PHASE I: Technical evaluation done by BIRN staff to ensure applicants followed application procedures and submitted all required documents.
PHASE II: Evaluation by Committee will be done in order to select applicants based on evaluation criteria including:
a) Quality of proposed idea
a) Multiplier effect of the project result
b) Innovation
c) Level of interactivity of the project
d) Ability to reach broad population
PHASE III: Notification of applicants and corrections (if necessary). Upon evaluation of applications, applicants will be notified. In case of suggestions (in case two or more applicants have similar submissions, proposals of different topics and such) applicants will have the option to submit another application, or to addend the existing application.
During the administrative check the following will be assessed:
- Compliance with the submission deadline. If the deadline has not been met, the application will automatically be rejected.
- The Application Form satisfies all criteria specified above. If any of the requested information/document is missing or is incorrect, the application may be rejected on that sole basis and it will not be evaluated further.
The application that passes this check will be evaluated further as part of the quality assessment.